Est. 2012 taiwan

vanilla knight

Taiwan Vanilla Pompona

Vanilla Pompona is a rare vanilla species with a rich floral and fruity aroma, highly valued in premium food and fragrance markets due to its high vanillin content.


The Vanilla Perfume from Heaven.

天香 (110)

什麼是Vanilla Pompona?

這是來自天堂的香水,Vanilla Pompona 原產於墨西哥和中南美洲的熱帶地區,屬於香莢蘭的一個稀有品種,Vanilla Pompona的香草莢粗大且富含高濃度的香草醛,香氣濃郁,帶有花香、果香和香水味,常用於高端食品與香水製作,由於其高含量的香草醛,它成為一種具有獨特經濟價值的香料植物。

Vanilla pompona is a rare species of vanilla native to the tropical regions of Mexico and Central and South America. Its vanilla pods are large and rich in vanillin, giving it a strong, fragrant aroma with floral, fruity, and perfume-like notes. Vanilla pompona is widely used in high-end foods and perfumes due to its high vanillin content, making it a valuable spice with unique economic significance.

Vanilla pompona(バニラ・ポンポナ)は、メキシコや中南米の熱帯地域に原産する希少なバニラ種です。バニラ莢は大きく、バニリンを豊富に含んでおり、花や果実、香水のような芳醇な香りを持っています。その高いバニリン含有量により、高級食品や香水に広く使用され、独自の経済的価値を持つ香料植物として知られています。



Vanilla Pompona 的原產地為熱帶雨林氣候,全年均溫25°C至30°C,高溫高濕的環境,這與台灣的亞熱帶氣候有一定相似,但台灣的降雨模式與溫度變化大,對於 Vanilla Pompona 的生長需要額外的環境控制和管理,如溫室栽培。

The native climate of Vanilla pompona is tropical rainforest, characterized by consistently high temperatures and humidity year-round. This is somewhat similar to Taiwan’s subtropical climate, particularly in southern regions. However, Taiwan experiences more pronounced rainfall patterns and temperature fluctuations, with more rainfall in summer and cooler temperatures in winter. This variation may require additional environmental control and management, such as greenhouse cultivation, to successfully grow Vanilla pompona in Taiwan.

Vanilla pompona の原産地の気候は熱帯雨林気候で、年間を通じて高温多湿です。これは台湾の亜熱帯気候、特に南部地域と類似しています。しかし、台湾は雨量の変化や気温の変動が大きく、夏は雨が多く、冬は気温が低くなります。そのため、台湾で Vanilla pompona を栽培するには、温室栽培などの追加の環境管理が必要になる場合があります。

What's special

Vanilla pompona beans are huge,with a unique flavor and aroma, and is highly prized by vanilla aficionados.

天香 (41)


Vanilla Pompona 每株植物能產出的莢果數量有限,每個莢果需要經過約6至9個月的生長才能達到成熟期,收穫後的綠色莢果需要進行一系列的處理,這些步驟耗時數月,甚至更長的時間,但繁雜的步驟是形成最終香草風味的關鍵。

The production cycle of Vanilla Pompona is longer, and each plant can produce only a limited number of pods. Each pod requires approximately 6 to 9 months of growth to reach maturity. After harvesting, the green pods undergo a series of processes that take several months or even longer. However, these intricate steps are crucial in developing the final vanilla flavor.




Vanilla Pompona 以其粗壯的香草莢聞名,通常比 Planifolia 和 Tahitensis 更厚實、更長,5製作莢果成品呈現深棕色,內含豐富的香草籽,Vanilla Pompona的莢果形狀與香蕉相似,這也讓它在西印度群島有著“香草香蕉”的綽號。

Vanilla Pompona is known for its robust vanilla pods, which are typically thicker and longer than those of Planifolia and Tahitensis. The pods are a deep brown color and contain a rich amount of vanilla seeds. The shape of the Vanilla Pompona pods resembles that of a banana, which has earned it the nickname “vanilla banana” in the West Indies.




Vanilla pompona以其濃郁的香氣著稱,與其他香草品種相比,具有獨特的花香和香水味。其香草醛含量比 Planifolia 高8-9倍,茴香醛含量則是 Tahitensis 的兩倍,在甜點或加工品的運用上更能展現風味特色,不同於其他香草莢品種。

Vanilla pompona is renowned for its rich aroma, offering a unique floral and perfume-like scent compared to other vanilla species. Its vanillin content is 8-9 times higher than that of Planifolia, and its anise aldehyde content is double that of Tahitensis. This makes it particularly suitable for desserts and processed products, where it can showcase its distinctive flavor, setting it apart from other vanilla varieties.


私たちの Vanilla Pompona Vanilla Pompona

The history

台灣也能種植世界稀有品種 Vanilla Pompona

Best Product
The Vanilla Pompona from Taiwan.
Top Quality
The Vanilla Pompona from Taiwan.

當我走入原產地,第一次見到如此巨大的香草莢,一股濃郁的香水氣息,讓我更加堅定,要在台灣的土地上,種出屬於台灣風味的「Vanilla Pompona」,我的騎士精神「天香香草莢」

僅依靠網路,在陌生的環境、語言不通的情況下,我獨自前往Vanilla Pompona 產地國,行前更遭遇當地人行騙,但信念仍驅使我不放棄!

Vanilla Pompona 這個品種的資訊並不多,且在台灣種植的時間也不長,我們從2016開始種植Vanilla Pompona經歷過許多次失敗,從結莢、落果率、採收到後製加工,無一不失敗,為此我隻身前往產地國,走訪當地研究台灣與產地國的環境差異、種植差異以及加工差異,累積多年經驗,才開始克服收成問題,正以為可以穩定時,又發現後期加工法所產的香氣不如自己所預期,再次反覆測試了兩年,才成功製作出我心目中「天香香草莢」

Vanilla Pompona seedlings are not difficult to obtain in Taiwan, but due to the limited information about this variety and its relatively short cultivation history here, we have experienced many failures since we started growing Vanilla Pompona in 2016. From pod setting, fruit drop rates, harvesting, to post-harvest processing, every step ended in failure. To address these challenges, I traveled alone to the country of origin to study the environmental, cultivation, and processing differences between Taiwan and the source country. After accumulating years of experience, we finally began to overcome the harvest issues. Just when we thought the process was stable, we discovered that the aroma produced by our post-harvest processing was not as expected. After two more years of repeated testing, we finally succeeded in creating the “Heavenly Vanilla Pods” I had envisioned.


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Welcome to make an appointment and come to the store and we will be introduced to you by a dedicated person.

How to buy




If you would like to receive a quote, please fill out the form, and our sales team will contact you to provide pricing information.



We welcome domestic and international businesses in baking, desserts, restaurants, food processing plants, and cosmetic OEMs to fill out the form below. Our sales team will contact you.



Leave your contact information, and after our sales team confirms your needs, we will offer a limited-time purchase during the promotion period. Once the official sales are open, VIP customers will have priority access to the Heavenly Vanilla Pods and can also receive vendor quotes when purchasing other products. Additionally, there is a dedicated customer service channel for product inquiries, and VIP customers will receive information about new products in advance.



We currently “do not offer” seedling sales or export. If you need seedlings, please search and purchase online.
